impaired risk life insurance
Life Insurance for someone with Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer and life insurance Someone with colorectal (colon or rectum) cancer may find it difficult to get affordable life insurance. Many life insurers look unfavorably at people with some colorectal caners because the statistics show that a certain percentage of these people will die prematurely. According to The American Cancer Society Colorectal cancer is the […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Breast Cancer
Someone with breast cancer may be able to get life insurance.
Life Insurance for Someone with Lupus
Lupus and life insurance Getting the most favorable rate on life insurance for someone with Lupus may take some ‘shopping’ around. Life insurance companies can make diverse offers on the same case. Types of Lupus: Discoid lupus is a limited disease with superficial skin involvement only. It has no systemic features, although a small number […]
Life insurance for someone that had a stroke
What is a stroke or cerebrovascular accident? A stroke occurs when brain cells die due to lack of oxygen caused by poor blood flow in the brain. The poor blood flow could be a result of blocked or damaged blood vessels. Strokes are one of the leading causes of death in America. The CDC reports […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Depression
Can Someone with depression get life insurance? The short answer is probably. Most insurers will issue a policy unless the depression is very severe, there have been multiple hospitalizations, or there has been suicide attempts. Most life insurers have concluded that the extra mortality risk is due to suicide, cardiovascular disease , and substance abuse. […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis and life insurance Someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis can usually get life insurance, but they may have to pay increased premiums. This is because statistics show the people with Rheumatoid Arthritis have a shortened life expectancy. The increased mortality is not from the rheumatoid arthritis itself, but rather the complications that develop. Rheumatoid Arthritis […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Skin Cancer
Skin cancer and life insurance Many people with skin cancer think that it might be difficult getting affordable life insurance. Some people may have difficulty if their cancer has spread. Fortunately most people that have had skin cancer can get standard rates on their life insurance. The extra rating, if any, will depend on the […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer and Life Insurance According to The American Cancer Society about 14% of men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime, 60 % of diagnosed cases are for men older than 65. It is the second leading cause of cancer death’s in men, behind lung cancer. What are life insurers concerned with? Most prostate […]
Life Insurance for Someone with Abnormal Liver Enzymes
Can someone with abnormal liver function get life insurance?